Friday, February 10, 2012

True Story

Ryan was in New Mexico for bomb training from Sunday-Thursday. While he was away, I was watching my two year old nephew Jake all day. Jaxon had a blast playing with his cousin all day long. That same day I had to meet a couple different guys at our new home to get some estimates on a few things we need done around the house before we move in. I was downstairs talking with the floor and window covering guys. My realtor, Sharon said she would keep an eye on the boys for a minute. Jaxon and Jake ran upstairs and I thought nothing of it, since Jaxon knows where the balls are hiddens in this house. So I thought they would just run around and find a ball or two. Well, I was busy talking with the guys and Sharon got to talking to them also and Jax and Jake were unattended for about 5 minutes. My mom came to see the house for the first time and went upstairs to look around and yelled down the stairs, "Cali get up here now." I ran upstairs and had found that Jax and Jake had thrown 3 shoeboxes full of tiny, plastic jewelry beads all over the gameroom. The floor was cover with thousands and thousands of tiny beads. My mom and I started cleaning handfuls of beads up when Sharon and the blinds guy came upstairs to see the mess. All four of us spend at least 45 minutes picking up beads while Jax and Jake thought it would be funny to keep throwing them up in the air. So my mom put them in timeout on the couch and the blind guy put a movie on his ipad for them to watch. It was so annoying. I learned two things that day. One, don't ever let your daughter have tiny jewelry beads and second, don't leave 2 two years old unattended in someone else's home.